To live from the center of their masculine power
To acquire a clear and unclouded understanding of feminine nature
To live in their Mastery in this world
To be Men of Power, Gravity and Character who are going to lead and shape our future
As Masculinity crumbles, Empires crumble.
The death of a tribe is preceded and precipitated by the dissolution of its men’s character and mettle.
As men’s moral compass staggers and their Code falters, so do their lives.
As men become cowardly, their insides begin to rot. And their bond with other men becomes brittle and weak. Do you think a band of cowardly men have ever accomplished anything? Built anything?
When men become afraid of their women, their women will begin to gnaw their weak men to death and start making their way to stronger men elsewhere.
The feminine principle cannot and does not uphold code.
The feminine principle DOES NOT build from the ground up. The genius of the feminine principle is in SELECTING the most suitable ground upon which to build — their own lives and the lives of their progeny.
Even the few great queens that have lived have achieved their greatness by inspiring their MEN to greatness. They have upheld Masculine code and given their men the needed moral compass that all great leaders provide.
The further that masculinity crumbles, the more the women worry and get ready to exit and find alternatives.
Masculinity is crumbling right now. And women are become increasing restive.
Men’s relationships with their women are in trouble right now.
And the dissatisfaction level of women with their men is probably at an all time high.
Women are not feeling met by their men. Women are not feeling well-handled by their men. In spite of limitless sexual freedom, women are not feeling sexually fulfilled by their men.
Men are feeling lost at sea in their relationships. Men are losing in their relationships with women. Men are opting out and dropping out altogether.
This course is certainly designed to give you greater strength and mastery in this area of your life and relationship with women. But the conversation actually cannot start there. The problems run deeper — down to the masculine core. We need to examine ourselves and our masculinity from the core outwards, from the soul outwards. Our relationships with women are in fact the OUTERMOST layer of our life. Trouble in this outermost layer seldom ORIGINATES in the outermost layer itself. The roots run deep to our center.
Men’s relationships with women are in crisis because masculinity itself is in crisis right now - through and through. Addressing the outermost layer with some tips about sex and relationships will do little more than a patch-up job to a deep and ongoing malfunction.
My idea of the DOMINANT man does not refer just to giving you skills to be dominant in the bedroom with your woman — though that is one significant part of it. Nor does my idea of your Dominance only refer to you LEADING in your relationship with your woman — though that too is also another big piece of the puzzle. But Dominance in sexing and relating are in fact the FINAL 2 layers of your coherent and strong masculinity; they are the outermost layers of your competence and mastery.
My proposition is that a man’s dominance is neither a put-on of mannerisms and gimmicks, NOR should it just refer to your dynamic with your woman.
And your character should run much deeper than sex and romance. Your character should run all the way down to your SOUL. It should run to the depths of your solitary place in this universe; it should run through your call and purpose in this life; it should run to the seat of your moral compass, your code and your fortitude.
The real crisis in modern masculinity is in these deeper layers. The troubles with women are merely symptomatic of the inner malaise. If men have become weak and incompetent with their women, it’s only because men have become weak and incompetent overall. We have allowed ourselves to get weak. We have allowed our priorities to get jumbled up. We have been remiss in tending to our core.
Granted, in our generation, the support for our journey has been all but demolished. Our fathers have gone missing; our role models have disappeared; and these days there seems to be an active siege against our very make-up. It’s understandable that we are losing, but none the less, WE ARE LOSING!
We are losing ground in the world. We are losing ground within ourselves. We have all but lost our sense of the HEROIC. We have been demoralized! And this demoralization of men is a precursor of demise. Not just our own demise, but that of our tribe. There might be those in our own tribe who seem to be pushing for and celebrating this demise of masculinity, but those people are foolish at best and craven and malicious otherwise.
When the roof comes down, it will take out everyone.
I see a possibility for men to emerge from the current morass as warrior-saints.
I see a tribe of men rooted in their stillness and power.
who carry depth and danger in their hearts and eyes.
Men who are BUILDERS.
Men who are in deep camaraderie with other men around them.
Fearless men. Undaunted men. Men who speak the truth come hell or high water.
Men in deep communion with their soul and with divinity beyond.
Men who are un-fuckable-with.
Men so full of power and charisma that the feminine core is drawn to their essence like iron fillings to a giant magnet.
Men who are NOT naïve.
Men who understand women’s nature through and through and know how to play with her nature.
Men who are not afraid of their solitude, but thrive in it.
Men who embody their heroic.
Men of code.
Men of passion and dispassion.
Men of strength and serenity.
Men who understand the DARKEST DARK OF THE DARK FEMININE, and are not only undaunted by her, but can get in the ring with her — with mischief and glee in his eye and bring her to her fucking knees!
by Taking the journey through THIS COURSE YOU WILL HAVE:
Explored the depths of your masculine nature and found anchor in aspects of your being that are solely yours and not entangled with or dependent on the feminine.
Learned how to Hold The FRAME in your relationship and LEAD in your relationship.
Re-established your connection with the Tribe Of Men.
Learned to live in your MASTERY.
Acquired a deeper understanding of Feminine Nature and dropped your naiveté regarding feminine nature.
Learned to connect deeper with your own body and Eros at a somatic level.
Acquired true mastery in how attraction and mate selection circuits operate for women.
Come to terms with your own darkness.
Come to terms with the Dark Feminine.
Established your NO, you BOUNDARIES and the Power that is needed to back up your No and your Boundaries.
Released familial trauma and patterns that have kept you in a rut in your relationships with women.
Acquired clarity in what kind of woman and what kind of relationship best serves your Joy, your Purpose and your Dominance.
Understood the darker corners of Feminine Eros and how to engage those aspects of a woman with skill, play and mischief.
The course is built on an open enrollment structure, meaning you can join the course at anytime. There are not start and end dates.
Entry into the course is on a MEMBERSHIP model. There is a one-time membership fee to join. Once in, you can stay in the course container and keep working with the material as long as you wish.
You will also be in a container with other men from all over the globe who are on this same journey with you. This tribe of Men will be an invaluable resource to you in your growth.
The course will take place on Om’s online teaching platform at
I hold an online, short class focused on specific topics from the course at regular intervals.
Existing members can join these live runs of the course without any additional fee.
The live run will be online over zoom. .
Because all the course material is available all at once in the online platform, I cannot allow men to come in for a week or two, gorge on all the material and then ask for a refund!
I have a lot of modules available for free viewing in the course in PREVIEW mode. Feel free to take in this material and see if you feel called to join the course with full membership. You can view all free material on my teaching platform at
Please remember that membership will also allow you to participate in all future live-run courses without any additional fee. And you will get coaching from me during those live calls.
COURSE Membership*
THIS WILL GIVE YOU ACCESS TO ALL COURSE MATERIAL WITHOUT ANY TIME LIMIT, as well as to all future live runs and new materials added.
In the initial design of this course, I had a crash course in BDSM training as part of this course curriculum. That crash course started to feel increasingly abbreviated and incomplete. So I’ve decided to create a more comprehensive, free-standing training in BDSM separate from this course. Both Men & Women are welcome to take that course, as singles or as couples.
The course page for the BDSM Training can be found here.
“Creating the Dominant Man blew me away and then some. The self knowledge gained through this rich inquiry was far reaching and has positively impacted how I show up in all areas and relationships in my life.
Om’s teaching was a breath of fresh air to my masculine spirit. He cuts through all the bullshit straight to the true heart of Masculine/Feminine relational dynamics, and always whilst sowing the seeds of mastery.
The material left no corner of a man’s inner kingdom untouched. It brought clarity to the often mysterious and mercurial feminine system in a way that sharpened my attention and left me with the confidence necessary to brilliantly and playfully traverse it.
And the renewed life and fun this has brought to my long term relationship has been astounding. My partner has greatly benefited by proxy.
I came into this course with no prior D/S experience, only a curiosity.
I left with many rich experiences and a solid foundation of tools and principals on which to build a lifetime of exploration.
Om’s mastery shines in his ability to take you deep and bring it home, to speak from the core and couple that with immediate applicability, something he delivered on time and time again in our assignments and discussions.
I appreciated the extended 12 week format as it allowed us to track how the material was unfolding in our lives each week in real time. Learning from the shared experiences of these men was a great honor.
I highly recommend this course to any man looking to better understand himself, feminine nature, and the magnificent erotic exchanges that are possible from the uninhibited union of the two.”
“Om delivers his work... his philosophy in a clear, direct, powerful and straight to the heart-of-the-matter method that is second to none.
This course bared fruits immediately and in a way I couldn’t have imagined. I discovered where I wanted to grow my relationship to and desires around the D/s dynamic during the course.
Reading the coursework modules and listening to Om’s philosophy around the Man/Woman dynamic revealed so much about my past relationships and where growth, clarity and massive turn-on is available. Cracked me wide open.
Some highlights:
Tribe of men- I shared the course with amazing men, from all walks of life, expanding in Man/Woman dynamic.
Temple Priestesses!- Stunning women on their own journey in D/s play (led by Agnes and Gillian), ready to practice with and support the men. A unique experience and element for sure. Mind blown.
Support calls and community conversations- Om offers plenty support throughout the journey. Game changer!
Film recommendations- I had so much fun watching Om’s hand-picked movie titles (some I hadn’t seen in years) every week and connecting them to the coursework
It was a full-on learning experience like no other and I highly recommend to any man looking to create power, clarity and incredible heat in relationship(s) with women.
Thank you Om.
“This course was one of the highlights of 2020 for me. I did really well for months on my promise of not taking any more virtual workshops but when I saw Om’s post for this course, the calling was too strong to ignore and I signed up within hours. This was a transformational few months and really took deep roots. I was expecting to get new awareness and mastery into being in my masculine and my expectations were blown away. The unexpected bonus was that a lot of the work, knowledge and experiences I’ve been exploring for the past 3 years would all of a sudden truly sink in and finally be integrated. I feel like a new person and people around me are taking notice. Om’s guidance and transmission have opened up a world of possibilities and I will be forever grateful.”
“The value of Om Rupani’s Dominant Man course to any man interested in playing well in the Man/Woman dynamic cannot be overstated. Although it is taught as a course for men to learn Dominance in a BDSM sense, it is really an essential primer to the primary differences between men and women and how to navigate them constructively and successfully.
I learned so much in this course not only about myself and my ability to create and play with great Eros in women; I also learned how to navigate family and work challenges more successfully as well.
As a result of this course, I am enjoying intense excitement and fulfillment with my wife, who enthusiastically supports us in this exploration; and I have learned skills that will continue to unfold in years to come.
Any man interested in taking responsibility for his capacity to incite desire in a woman, and truly understand what works and why it works in the Man/Woman relationship realm needs to take this course. I wish I had taken it 30 years ago; and I am profoundly grateful that I took it now.”
“Recently finished up Om Rupani’s “CREATING THE DOMINANT MAN” course. Grateful & thankful for the course, Om’s attention to detail, and the supportive space for me and the other men to explore & grow. The foundation and structure that Om Rupani has created is straight forward and supports a wide open space for exploration whether you have years of experience or brand new to polarity dynamics & D/s concepts. This course added much needed context & refinement to knowledge, growth, & practices I already have and also added a generous amount of additional knowledge, and resources. In each class, connection, practice, or assignment something new was illuminated as a brilliant insight into the inner workings of myself as a man, how I relate to the world, how I relate in relationships, or how I relate to the feminine in myself or another.
Having practices that connected to Om’s companion class for women was invaluable. The women were led by the brilliant Agnes & Gillian, their mastery in their craft was deep & heart felt. These practices brought everything front & center, it forced me to incorporate my learning in a lab space that raised everything from theoretical & just ideas floating around in my head, to actual practice with a woman who has been doing the same deep inner work within herself AND with nutritious feedback from her & a supportive space for feedback from Om on where one can improve & grow.
I am looking forward to level 2.”
“Creating the Dominant Man course was beyond my expectations.
My introduction to Om’s mastery was a result of my wife taking his women’s course in secret, without me knowing about it. Several weeks into her course I was alarmed at the incredible changes in her and our relationship, so significant in fact I had confronted her: “What is going on?” When she revealed the source of her changes, I was completely open to further training with Om despite zero knowledge or background in D/s dynamics.
This 12-week course will transform any man looking to understand and master his intimate behavior and relationships, and how to embrace and be centered in his masculinity.
I cannot recommend this course enough as it ignited our passion, desire, and connection and taken our relationship to a level that I didn’t think was possible on a consistent daily basis. It’s also provided another lens on human behaviour and motivation that I’ve applied to business and the rest of my life. Om is a total game changer.”
““I was introduced to the ‘Creating The Dominant Man’ course by one of Om’s subs who was my mentor. I am so grateful for that guidance as Om’s course has just added another body of work onto what I already know. Having a 3 hour class a week with also an hours support call allowed me to dive deep into his teachings and then process/embody it before the support call where myself and the other men would get to share our experiences with what we had recently learnt. This course has helped me to clear out the stuff that has personally been hindering myself and add learnings that have made me more anchored in my being and also more intimate with myself. This ultimately allowing me to be more intimate with life and a significant other. The BDSM world was new to me before the course started and is now very much a part of my life. This work is life changing. My energy is a lot more potent and I can see this being reflected back to me by friends or just in and around general public. This work has paved a new way of living for me. Truly grateful.””
“Having taken a few of Om’s weekend classes, I was prepared for his clear, insightful and provocative delivery. What I was not expecting is the shifts in my core sense of my masculine self and how that stirred deep positive response in my wife.
Om’s style is direct and passionate. He is not afraid to share politically incorrect insights; always with the caveat that he is not trying to convert anyone, but rather encourage experimentation and adopting only what worked for me.
Several of his teaching ran counter to my long-held beliefs of conscious adult man-woman dynamics. Yet when I tried them out with my wife, they had the response Om predicted. My “nice guy” died during this course and a more fearless and unhindered man took his place.
Looking forward to future classes and connection with the tribe of men and women who are working with these teachings. My system is singing!”
“The creating the dominant course isn’t a class of rope tying and sexy D/S techniques, I mean it is that, but it is also so much more. Where this course feels revolutionary is in the attention Om puts in to show the foundation of what men are in this world and how they show up among other men and women. Om’s brilliantly penetrative transmission of fresh and engaging content cuts right to the softest spots of that masculine foundation and offers us new way to show up. He gives an opportunity to reconfigure ourselves to act in away that holds true to a Dominant man archetype, not just in D/S scenes but in all realms or kingdoms of this life.
Through this 12 week course I had the opportunity to clear old wounds relating to my relationship with my mother and past romantic relationships. I was presented ways to forgive myself and them, and had opportunities to share my stories and be seen among supportive men. All in a way that feels wildly healing.
and there was instruction on D/S sexy rope techniques.
I do and will recommend this course to any man wanting to have and in-depth understanding to man/woman relating and how they individually show up in that dynamic.”
“Having just completed Om Rupani’s Course, “Creating the Dominant Man”, the following is a testimonial to my experience.
Having worked with Om in other arenas of personal growth, I have always appreciated his direct and consistent approach to relating with people regardless of context. In the realm of spirituality, sexuality, and personal growth there are many practitioners who rely on elaborate concepts which can be mentally draining to grasp. Om has a unique ability to deliver the heart of a concept with minimalism and without burdening the receiver with any measure of “fluff”.
When I heard of his new online course for men, I eagerly enrolled on the spot. Having a career which requires much travel, frequent time zone changes, difficulties with access to communication, and irregularity of work hours I found that I was still easily able to participate.
Om took a few dozen men and I through the journey of masculinity as it matures through our life’s passions and intimate relationships. The course concepts below held deep impact for me personally.
1. Defining the framework of masculinity using the analogy of six kingdoms. This framework mimics the ideologies of “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” and the Tantric “Chakra” system.
2. Course material which triggered acknowledgement of insecurities and blocks in the male psyche preventing personal growth.
3. Reflection on past relationships with family, friends, and lovers to recognize behavioral patterns which result in the breakdown of our current relationships.
4. Presentation of simple meditational practices to ground and center oneself while the distractions of the world around us pull at our attention.
5. Maintaining masculine/feminine polarity thus integrating our nature with sexuality in a way which creates fulfilling intimate and erotic lives. The lesson on integration of masculine “Form” and feminine “Chaos” was quite powerful when coupled with the principles of domination and submission.
6. Creating potential for deeper eroticism with the introduction of BDSM and conscious exploration of sexual desires.
The above concepts provided a well-connected platform for discussion with Om and the other men to share our personal experiences and reflect as a group. The sharing aspect was one of the most personal applications for me. To hear the stories of other men and realize that I am not alone in my journey left me feeling welcomed and appreciated in my experience in life as a man.
In a modern world which represses the fundamental principles of healthy masculinity, Om restores faith in maintaining our masculine nature by putting words to emotions which we have always felt inside but have been conditioned to suppress. He simultaneously restores desire for the beauty of feminine nature and encourages conscious exploration of intimate connections.
I would highly recommend this course to any man who holds desire to step deeper into his own psyche and create potential for growth whether it be for personal healing, relationships, desire for erotic exploration, or just to restore the masculine core that always existed within.
“A man’s attention is his wealth.” – Om Rupani
Respectfully, ”
““The Dominant man” 12 week offering has been a profound, expansive and enlightening journey of self, masculinity and comprehension of dynamics and polarity of the sexes.
What Om, Agnes & Gillian have designed, structured and opened within discussion through a BDSM/Kink filter is transformative beyond expectations.
Beyond rope play, safe words and spankings is a frame work, consisting of decades of experience. The material is rich with wisdom and speaks to optimal relating. The additional dialogue opened the discussions to depths rarely seen in society to date.
A brotherhood developed and men from all different walks of life showed up, did the work and explored with a curiosity, the material which was guided and navigated with honour, integrity and truth.
Men can learn a huge amount of LIFE from this course AND obtain the understanding, skill set and pathways to mastery of unlocking and activating women’s Eros and feminine states which can lead to unparalleled experiences of pleasure and exploration.
From my perspective, the bonus on top of this the BSDM/Kink play and man, it is ever so mischievously tantalizing.”