This is a private group for current and past students of Om’s BDSM Training.
This group is here to allow people who want to pursue, enjoy and study BDSM Scene Play to be in a space together with other like-minded explorers.
This group is here for us to:
Find community,
Share ideas,
Have scenes with other well-trained players,
Observe and voyeur other people having scenes,
Have fun,
Learn from each other,
Deepen our understanding of this realm and the possibilities it holds,
To find permission for our desires.
CONFIDENTIALITY IS A MUST! Everyone in this group is expected to honor the confidentiality of everyone in this group.
You should be in this group only if your desires and intentions match the purposes listed above.
You should be here in good faith.
You should be here as a friend to everyone else in this community.
You should at all times intend to bring an energy of friendliness, support, play and permission towards everyone else.
You should always want to create win-win relations and moments with others in this group.
You must take full responsibility for your experience and ride in this highly charged field.
You are expected to be clear about your desires and boundaries IN REAL TIME!
If you feel you are not able to be clear about your desires and boundaries in real time, please refrain from participating in this group.
You are in charge of managing your own emotional triggers and overwhelm.
You should always aim to balance out the giving and receiving of your energies with others in this group.
You are encouraged not to give one-sidedly till you end up in exhaustion and resentment.
You are encouraged to give back proactively when you have received energy from another.
Please cultivate Graciousness in your giving and receiving with others.
There are a few rules / requests that I, Om, will make of you as participants of this community. Please enthusiastically participate in these invitations. There aren’t that many of them.
One rule I would like to observe is in regards to writing prompt gratitude notes whenever you have occupied the SURRENDER position and received good energy and handling from someone in the MASTER position.
If you don’t know what the SURRENDER position and the MASTER position are yet, you will learn this in my training.
Whenever you have received energy from a play partner, please promptly write a note of gratitude and post it publicly within the group. That these gratitude notes be shared publicly is one of my ‘rules’ or requests. And my reason behind it is that I feel it creates a lovely ambiance of friendliness and graciousness in the container.
This rule extends even to scenes you may do with a member of this community privately, outside our group meetings. Continue the energy of gratitude and graciousness. Allow others to peak into your experiences and the fun and connection and even the breakdowns that you are generating in your exploration.
One other rule I have is that everyone promptly fill out a RATING FORM for their play partner right after their scene. These forms are posted in the group content. Each form has 5 ways of qualifying your play partner. Please fill these out HONESTLY and submit them. It will only take you about a minute to fill out.
Your confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained in this rating process. The purpose of these ratings is that after a handful of ratings have been submitted for a person, I will collate your ratings and send them to you without mentioning the names of the people who gave you the specific rating.
This allows people to get honest feedback on how they are being received and perceived by their play partner. Which in turn can help them fill in their blind spots and become better players.
This is actually a very time consuming service that I want to provide to my community. So I hope you can appreciate the work that has to go into making all this happen. But I think in the long-run, this kind of honest feedback form our partners serves as an invaluable resource for us to advance in our Mastery.
These are about all the ‘rules’ I have right now. I may make up other ones as we go along. My reasons for doing so will always be to improve the functionality of the group and to find new ways to increase the mastery of the participants.
By choosing to join and participate in this group:
I take full responsibility for my participation, my consent, my boundaries, the expression of my limits and desires.
I take full responsibility for my communication.
I take full responsibility for the conversations and practices around safe sex and STIs.
I take full responsibility for my emotional ride and triggers during this journey.
(This was for when we were doing Directed Scenes online over zoom. In-person scenes will not be recorded.)
I have a great desire to show people out there what real scenes look like. To that end, I have created the free SCENE LIBRARY.
The privacy of the people in my classes and community is of paramount importance to me. But within the bounds of privacy, I will always be looking for opportunities to share the insides of the magic that happens in this realm with people on the outside.
The opening and closing conversations (the non-scene sections) of the gathering will be recorded and will become a permanent part of the content for These videos are the properly of OM RUPANI WORKSHOPS. By participating in the these calls, you are giving your consent towards this.
You have a standing invitation to have your scenes be recorded to be shared within the Directed Scene Group so that others may get your transmission for pleasure and for education.
*Truthfully, when I think back on the shear volume and intensity of beautiful moments that have happened in our Directed Scenes already, I feel it’s a tragic loss that those moments have disappeared into the ether and that we can’t revisit them or share them with others who are just starting their journey.
Membership in this group is a privilege. If Om feels you are a bad fit for this group, he will remove you from it.
Possible reasons for removal may include:
Not being in alignment with all that is written above.
Noticing that you don’t have sufficient training in BDSM to participate in this group properly. This condition may apply to people who may have done only a smattering of training in this realm and then stopped. For those of you coming into my BDSM course on the 1-month trial option, you may receive admittance into this group right from the beginning of your trial subscription, but to truly participate in this group, you are expected to be interested and committed to this exploration enough to continue your training.
If everything above to you sounds absolutely great, please follow the link below and join the group.
By joining the group, you are agreeing to everything mentioned above.
PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THE LINK TO THIS PAGE WITH ANYONE ELSE! Admittance to this group is by invitation only. Only I am qualified to send this invitation. If you feel someone would be a great addition to this group, put them in touch with me and I’ll decide.
Looking forward to this community growing and thriving in its exploration!
— Om